Brand普兰德 Transferpette®-8八通道微量移液器 2,5 - 25ul (703604)

八道,手动,半支灭菌,2,5 - 25ul
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产品名称 : Brand普兰德 Transferpette®-8八通道微量移液器 2,5 - 25ul (703604)
产品品牌 : Brand普兰德
产地: 进口
通道数: 八道
灭菌方式: 半支灭菌
移液方式: 手动可调
量程: 10-100ul

Brand普兰德 Transferpette®-8 八通道微量移液器 2-20ul  (703604)

空气活塞式移液器Transferpette® -8 的设计基于简单易用的理念波形手柄与恰到好处的控制机构自然地融入您的手掌。轻质但耐用的结构以及低操作力最大程度地减轻拉伤与劳损的发生。来自BRAND的Transferpette® 移液器专为实验室及研究应用的常规操作而设计。移液器外形符合手掌形状。特别的手柄形状侧方移液按钮使用户能够轻舒适地松掌控Transferpette® 移液器。Transferpette® 系列移液器特别适用于长时间移液操作,以及易于发生重复性劳损(RSI) 的用户。

FKM V-环与阶梯形吸头脱卸仓显著地减少去除吸头所需的力量。




简易校准Easy Calibration技术:无需工具,可自行调整。

下部可自由旋转并且可进行121 °C (2 bar)高压湿热灭菌。

单独的吸头脱卸功能。 根据IVD指令98/79拥有欧盟CE标志。

轻便的操作及独特的人体工程学外形设计,令使用空气活塞式多道移液器Transferpette®-8/-12 的操作变得如此舒适。高品质材料的采用保证移液器重量非

常轻,FKM V形环与吸头脱卸机构阶梯式形状显著地减少去除吸头所需的力量。即使长时间操作时,手掌亦能保持轻松、自如的状态。

The Transferpette®-8/-12 simplifies all work with microtiter plates used in immunology, biochemistry, clinical diagnostics and food analysis.

Transferring samples
The Transferpette®-8/-12 is ideal for use with microtiter plates. If a single channel pipette is too tedious and an automated system is impractical, the Transferpette®-8/-12 is right for you.

Dilution of samples and standards
Serial dilutions of samples and standards in microtiter plates are simplified with the Transferpette®-8/-12.

Washing steps
The 30 - 300 μl Transferpette®-8/-12 in conjunction with PLASTIBRAND® 300 μl pipette tips allow for convenient washing of microtiter plates.

Easy Calibration

The factory calibration of the Transferpette® is adjusted to aqueous solutions at 20°C (68°F). For pipetting at substantially different temperatures or viscosities, the Transferpette® can be easily and quickly recalibrated by the user.

Example: Gravimetric testing yields a delivered volume of 98.5 µl at a set volume of 100 µl (with a medium which has a different viscosity than water, or in a cold room). The instrument can be calibrated (adjusted) in five easy steps without tiny set screws.

1. Pull off tip ejector cap.

2.  Remove securing plate

3. Set volume to actual value
(e.g., 98.5 μl).

4. Replace securing plate.

5. Replace tip ejector cap. All done!


BRAND® 移液器吸头


移液器插片, 彩色
适用于Transferpette® 移液器及 Transferpette®-8/-12 多通道移液器。


参数名称 参数值
货号 703604
量程 2,5 - 25ul
准确度A≤± µl 0.25
分刻度ul 0.1
吸头类型ul 200 / 300