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Developed at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried the Sonation column oven is used for the temperature regulation of the column in ESI-Nanospray applications. Due to a constant column temperature the results are getting more precise and with a higher column temperature longer columns and faster washing cycles can be achieved.


The Sonation column oven has been developed with the goal to solve three problems in the ESI-Nanospray workflow:

  • - The influence of a changing room temperature.

    In most labs the room temperature is not constant. Air conditions or opened doors are causing a changing temperature that influences the results.

  • - The length of the column is limited due to the maximum pressure of the used HPLC.

    The longer the used column, the higher the pressure must be to maintain the same flowrate.

  • - The washout of the columns consumes a lot of time.

    Even with the maximum pressure of the HPLC the washing cycles needs a lot of time.


With the Sonation column oven the temperature of the column is now completely independent from the room temperature. The column can also be heated to high temperatures to accelerate the washout cycles or getting higher flowrates during the run. Also the use of longer columns is now possible.

With the software that comes with the oven the temperature can be adjusted direct on the PC. It can also be switched between two temperatures automatically using an instrument method in Xcalibur.


硬件规格 软件规格
  • column length 13 cm, no limit in maximum length
  • operating temperature range 30-60 °C software controlled
  • can be mounted on Thermo/Proxeon NanoESI-MS source. For use with other ESI-nano sources, please contact Sonation
  • setting of two operating temperature levels
  • controlling the temperature stability via PID regulator
  • log the oven temperature and display it as a graph over time


  1. Mounting kit for new Thermo source

    The oven is directly mountable to the old style Proxeon nano source. To mount the oven to the newer source developed by ThermoFisher we offer a mounting kit. Please contact us for more information.

  2. RFID column identification

    This option allows you to label your columns with a unique ID, physical dimensions and other useful data. Also you can track the usage of your columns.

    The column identifier is a small glass tag which is mounted to the column with a polyimide tube. Both the tag and the tube are chemically inert if the column has to be stored in solvent. The information on the glass tag is read wireless by an antenna in the column oven. There is no battery that has to be exchanged.

  3. HIV-Cable

    Cable for spray voltage connection, suitable for VHP microtee

  4. UPLC T-Piece

    Very High Pressure VHP microtee with HV connector to feed in the spray voltage (liquid juction).

    For 360 µm outer diameter tubing size, stainless steel/peek with fittings included.

    For pressures up to 1035 bar.

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